Tuesday 14 April 2009

A Mini Rant!

What is the deal with new "Minis"? They are just so bloody common now!

Phee's friends at Uni all seem to be getting them, with three of her little circle of friends having "bought" them in the last year. They're just bloody everywhere! And the both the cars and their drivers annoy me.

First, let me start on the cars themselves. They are just not Minis! For a start, the inherently British icons of the motoring world are now German! And for a German car, they apparently have quite a few known faults. I mean, don't get me wrong, the Germans and Japanese make awesomely relia
ble cars on the whole!

And it's just not diddy enough. It's too big looking. It doesn't even have diddy wheels! This picture shows that the newer version is bigger. And just doesn't have the cute appeal:

And as for the drivers... well, they drive just like any other BMW driver: like a fucking wanker. No Mini EVER, will own the road. So why the drivers of them seem fit to try, I dunno! The tailgating bastard up my arse is now a BMW, 4x4 or a new "Mini" driver... basically, these silly cars are just BMWs for women!

And all these people go on about is how cute their car is. No it's not, it's bloody huge! And they normally have those ridiculous stripes now them. Or a silly roof!

If you want a Mini... get a REAL ONE!

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