Monday 24 September 2007

First Blog.

So, my loyal fans (do I even have any? I'd like to think so!)... this is my shiny new blog. It is taking over from my myspace blog which, to be fair, isn't really used with the takeover of facebook! Search for Carl Waterfield on there, by the way, if you haven't added me already!

I shall not write about anything specific on here right now, but in the future I shall do my best to keep it to one topic per post. It makes it easier that way. I shall also tr to give my opinion, should anyone care, on more than just my life!

Please feel free to leave nice (or nasty if you must) comments. I enjoy reading other people's opinions too! Especially if they are different to mine!

So for now, take care. I shall be speaking to you soon!


Anonymous said...

I'm a fan... I love reading your little posts. For some reason your life is incredibly interesting to me! - Amber

Darfuria said...

It's nice to see you have stepped in to the (almost) proper blogging world. The services social networking websites offer are so terrible.

I blog over at my website,

Feel free to come over and have a read, etc.

I'll no doubt be commenting here.

Cheers dude :)